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PEAK EVENT 2025: Program (Warwick: University of Warwick, 13-15 MAR 2025)

(Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick; source: Wikimedia Commons ) EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History: Collective and Individual Rights in Legal History Thursday 13 – Saturday 15 March 2025 University of Warwick Following the editions in Paris (February 2022), Ljubljana (March 2023), and Brussels (March 2024), the University of Warwick (Dr. Rosie Doyle) will host the 2025 flagship event of the Connected Learning Community in Legal History, with the support of the participating institutions (University of Warwick, CY Cergy Université, University of Ljubljana, Vrije Universiteit Brussel).       Thursday 13 March     Arrival of all participants   19.00 Evening Meal, Coventry (exact location tbc)     Friday 14 March   Location: Warwick Innovation District, Junction Building 6 University Road University of Warwick Coventry, CV4 7EQ ...
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PODCAST: Warwick History Hour on 2024 Peak Event (Spotify)

  (image source: EUTopia ) Warwick-students Ash, Nia, Tom and Mayukha produced an episode on the Warwick History Hour , where they treat their experience at the EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History's Peak Event organised in Brussels (KBR/VUB) last March . Find out more here , or directly on Spotify .

KEYNOTE LECTURE: Charles WALTON (University of Warwick), "Between Redistribution and Theories of Abundance: Toward a Deep History of Social Rights" (26 NOV 2024, 18:00 CET/17:00 GMT, Teams))

(image source: University of Warwick )   The EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History, which unites staff and students as well as external experts around the theme Collective and Individual Rights in Legal History , is delighted to announce the Opening Keynote Lecture  for this year, to be given by dr. Charles Walton (University of Warwick) on Tuesday 26 November . Biography: Charles Walton is a historian of France and Director of the  Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre Link opens in a new window . Before joining the History Department at Warwick, he taught at Yale University, the University of Oklahoma (Norman) and Sciences Po (Paris). His research focuses on Ancien Régime, Enlightenment and Revolutionary France, with emphases on rights, political economy and socio-economic justice. His prize-winning book,  Policing Public Opinion in the French Revolution: the Culture of Calumny and the Problem of Free Speech  (2009, paperback 2011, French tr...

VIRTUAL EXHIBITION 2023/24: 'Connectedness in Legal History'

Uniting VUB, CY Paris, the University of Ljubljana, Nova University Lisbon and the University of Warwick this year the EUTOPIA Connected Learning Community Legal History has focused on the Connectedness in Legal History. Just as EUTopia connects students across Europe this year's theme, announced on November 30, looks back in history to see how connections are made through the law. This the VUB graciously held our Peak Event on  March 14 and 15  which allowed our students from each institute to meet each other in person. After touring Brussels and working on their presentations this has led to this year's blog posts. These have ranged from  Cheyenne Larivière's  look into the Constitution and governing of the Austrian Low Countries during the eighteenth-century to   Maéva Le Bot's  look at women's fight for feminism and labour equality with the unions. Below we have made a world map linking to each blog post and presentation spanning the globe from Slovenia...

LJUBLJANA CASE: From fields to pints: the evolution of hops and beer production in Styrian Savinja Valley - exploring post 1848 rural crisis, multi-governmental space and global market challenges in the long 19th century​

Written by Lovro Čeh Brežnik This post was originally a presentation whose slides are now available here.

LJUBLJANA CASE: From an association to a credit union in Southern Styria after the 1873 Credit Union Act: local initiative and connectedness in the municipality of Ljutomer

Written by Ajra Šišernik This post was originally a presentation whose slides are now posted here.