PROGRAM: Peak Event Connected Learning Community Legal History: Connectedness in Legal History (Brussels: KBR/VUB, 14-15 March 2024)
(image: Koningsplein/Place Royale, Brussels; September 2023) Day 1 (14 March) Working Sessions 09:00 Welcoming on behalf of EUTopia, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Faculty of Law and Criminology Prof. em. dr. Rosette S’Jegers (EUTopia) Prof. dr. Karin Vanderkerken (VUB, Vice-Rector Internationalisation) Prof. dr. Frederik Dhondt (VUB, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Law) 09:30 Working Session 1 (Warwick) Nia Belcher : Penal Transportation in the Nineteenth-Century: Britain and Australia Ash Fowkes-Gajan: The Risorgimento as a Fragmented Paradigm: Was Italy, by 1871, any more than a 'mere geographical expression'? Tom Posnic-Boyce: Afro-Latin American Legacies Mayukha Rodrigo: Indian Indenture and its Effect on Modern Demographics and Politics 10:45 Coffee Break 11:00 Working Session 2 (Ljubljana), The (right of) association before and after 1848/1867 in the Habsburg monarchy: the genesis of modern organizational forms of politi...